Today's workshop was about collecting all the work from the After Effects workshops and produce a showreel. There was a similar workshop to this one using Premiere Pro.
I've found After Effects much easier to use since I am now incorporating the skills and ideas into my studio work and I have started to develop the work created in workshop time.
It is important to bring together your work and showcase what you like best or feel is the strongest piece/s. I learnt that by showcasing everything you've ever done will only encourage potential clients to contact you for a commissioned piece using a skill that you might not particularly like or have the strongest skills to do, so by showing what you ENJOY and feel good at is important.
I plan on developing some other work that I haven't put into this showreel as I feel it isn't up to the same standard as the ones shown.
Putting more practice into something really does show and I'm feeling much more confident when it comes to using After Effects, it was always a thing to avoid for me as I was never sure how to use it properly but I'm slowly developing my skills!
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